Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Harold And Maude Hearses

Here is the holy grail of hearse collectors all over the world. The Harold and Maude hearses. The awesome 1959 Superior and the Jaguar hearse that Harold creates in his garage after his mother gets rid of the Superior for a Jaguar XKE. More suitable for a man of his stature in society his mother said. Yeah, right! The Jag was driven off a cliff at the end of the movie and is lost forever, but a very lucky person out in California owns the '59 Superior. If you could see how green with envy I am... To have just a piece of the wrecked Jag hearse would probably be enough to induce cardiac arrest in this coach fan.

1 comment:

eatswedishfish said...

Having not seen the "Harold and Maude" movie, at first glance I thought the second hearse was built off a Corvette car, not a Jaguar!

I very interesting design!